Thanks Again for the Opportunity Reddit

Task Offer Thank you Letter and Email Samples


Sam Edwards / Getty Images

When you receive a task offer, it's appropriate to send a thank-you letter. Even if y'all've already accepted the job offer verbally, sending a letter allows y'all to formally confirm the new position.

Following up with a letter is a good idea even when yous've declined the offer, as information technology gives you a take a chance to exist gracious and leave the possibility open for a future relationship with the company.

Why Transport a Job Offer Thank-You Letter?

The principal purpose of the letter is to express gratitude for the offer. It allows you to state your intentions to accept or decline the offer in writing and also gives you the opportunity to analyze the terms of your agreement.

If yous're accepting the position, call back of the task offer thank-yous letter as your first interaction with the company as an employee, and aim to make a good impression.

If yous don't plan on accepting the job, use the letter to very politely decline the position. After all, you might want to employ to another task at the company in the future, so it'due south a smart idea to maintain a expert human relationship with the employer.

Data You Should Include in Your Letter of the alphabet

The content of your letter will differ slightly depending on whether y'all choose to accept or refuse the offer. In either circumstance, the most of import affair to include in your letter is your appreciation for the offer.

You may want to reiterate the terms of the offer when accepting the position – while this letter isn't a legal document, it can be helpful for both you and the employer to analyze the terms.

In addition, you can ostend contact information. You tin also use the alphabetic character to bring up any questions you might accept about the specifics of the chore offer. For instance, you might include a question about the salary, benefits, or the official start engagement.

If yous're not taking the chore, you don't have to provide specific details well-nigh your reasons.

This is non actually the place to negotiate a counter offering. You'll desire to say "thanks" for the offer, and you lot tin also use the infinite to express your desire to keep in affect, leaving an opening for time to come association.

Task Offer Thanks Alphabetic character and Email Samples

Download the job offer cheers letter of the alphabet template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or encounter below for more examples.

Screenshot of a job offer thank you letter example

@ The Residuum 2020

Sample Job Offering Thank You Letter #1: Alphabetic character Format

Rachel Applicant
123 Main Street
Anytown, CA 12345

August one, 2020

Harold Lee
Suburb Simple Schoolhouse
123 Business Rd.
Business Metropolis, NY 54321

Love Mr. Lee:

Give thanks you so much for hiring me for the educational activity assistant position. I appreciate the time yous took to interview me, and I am very glad to get a part of the staff at Suburb Elementary Schoolhouse.

I am ready to meet the students September 10, and can't expect to begin planning sessions with Jane Smith on August Xx to help become her classroom and curriculum prepare for the new year.

Please allow me know if these dates are still right or if anything changes.

I look forward to starting my position and, once again, I'd like to thanks for this great opportunity.


Rachel Bidder (signature hard re-create letter)

Rachel Applicant

Sample Job Offer Letter Thank You #2: Email Format

Discipline: Thank You - Your Name

Thanks for hiring me for the retail sales position. I'thousand thrilled to be joining the sales squad of the premier jewelry shop in the city. I'm looking forward to meeting the residuum of the staff and to starting time training for the position on Monday, September 10.

Please let me know if there'due south anything special I need to bring to my first solar day of work. I look forward to starting. Thank you and so much for the opportunity.


Your Name

Sample Chore Offer Thanks Letter #3: Email Format

Field of study:First Name Last Proper name – Give thanks You lot

Love Mr./Ms. Last Proper name:

Thank you lot then much for offer me the task as an administrative assistant. It was a pleasure meeting you and your staff at my final interview. I am sorry to let you know that I will not be accepting the position at XYZ Company at this time.

While the opportunity at XYZ is very exciting, I must make a unlike selection at this time. I look forward to keeping in bear on with you and hope that nosotros will acquaintance in the futurity.

Again, thank you so much for this opportunity.


Your Typed Proper noun

Proof and Edit the Letter Before Sending

Be sure to thoroughly proofread your letter, then you appear professional and polished. Edit it carefully for spelling, grammatical, and formatting errors before you lot send information technology.

Double-check the spelling of the name of the person who offered you lot the job as well.

How to Transport Your Alphabetic character

You can send the letter as an e-mail or send a hard re-create equally an zipper or by postal service. Either manner, make sure to be polite and apply business letter format, including an appropriate salutation and gratuitous close.

If you ship an email, put your name and the words "thank you" in the subject field line of the message: "First Name Concluding Name – Thank you."


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