Any Parameters at the End Will Cause the Image to Upload Incorrectly What Are File Parameters

A lot of questions I receive most Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) are about Paradigm Management. Questions like; How tin can I create a custom image and apply updates on it? What almost versioning and the possibility to rollback an image version? All these functions are bachelor with Windows Virtual Desktop, together with the Azure Shared Epitome Gallery (SIG). In this blog I volition evidence you step-past-step how to create an image, deploy a Windows Virtual Desktop Host pool with it, and update it with a new prototype version afterward.

A great benefit of the Azure Image Gallery is that you can deploy your prototype to dissimilar Regions within Azure at the aforementioned fourth dimension. This makes a Windows Virtual Desktop deployment over more then ane region even easier. In this blog I will deploy an image to two Regions to show you how that works.

This web log is divided into the following steps:

  1. Deploy a Virtual Car for creating and customizing the image
  2. Make a disk Snapshot
  3. Creating a Virtual Machine Capture
  4. Create a Shared Epitome Gallery
  5. Add an paradigm to the Shared Image Gallery
  6. Deploy a Windows Virtual Desktop Host pool with the custom image
  7. Update the custom image (create Disk, new VM, Snapshot and VM Capture)
  8. Add a version to the epitome in the Shared Image Gallery
  9. Update the Windows Virtual Desktop Host puddle with the new epitome

Step one : Deploy a Virtual Automobile for creating and customizing the image

The first stride is to deploy a VM for creating a custom image with, for example, all the required Line Of Business organisation (LOB) applications and updates. For the adjacent steps, login to the Microsoft Azure Portal.

On the home screen of the Azure portal click + Create a resource

Search for Microsoft Windows 10 + Office 365 ProPlus (if you want to use a Windows 10 Multi-Session Os with Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus pre-installed on information technology) and click Create

Select your Subscription and create a new Resource group. Give the VM a name, select Region and a VM Size. Fill in the data for the local admin account and click Next : Disks

Select Premium SSD and click Side by side : Networking

Select the correct Virtual network and Subnet and click Next : Management

Turn off the Boot diagnostics. Click Review + create

Click Create

Connect to the Virtual Machine and install the required LOB applications. As well think about Windows and Store updates. When your finished with the installation and configurations, shut down the Virtual Motorcar.

Step 2 : Make a disk Snapshot

Windows ten allows us to run Sysprep 1001 times. Therefor it is non required to make a snapshot before running Sysprep, but its recommended to have the choice to go back to an older version of your prototype. Yous can practise this with a disk Snapshot where you can create a new VM of (meet next steps in this blog). Therefor it is a good moment to make a deejay Snapshot later on every update like in this instance.

Make certain the Virtual Machine have theStopped (or deallocated) status,

Open the Virtual Auto and get to the Disk blade. Next, click on the Bone Disk.

Click+ Create snapshot

Select the in stride one createdResource group and give theSnapshotproper noun. If you are plan to create multiple versions similar I do, it'south good to think about a good name convention. Also we make a Snapshot earlier Sysprep and a Capture after Sysprep (in the next pace). Therefor I apply the following name convention:


BS = Before Sysprep in this example and then I know this version is earlier I take run Sysprep and can be used for the next update.

ClickReview + create


Stride iii : Creating a Virtual Automobile Capture

After creating the Disk Snapshot, start the Virtual Machine support again.

Connect to the Virtual Motorcar and run Sysprep. (C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\sysprep.exe). Make certain to select Generalize and to set the Shutdown Choice to Shutdown

Click OK

Afterwards the Virtual Machine has been turned off. De-allocated the Virtual Machine (select it in the Azure Portal and click Stop). Later the Virtual Machine has the de-allocated status, go the Overview blade, and click Capture

Requite this Capture / Prototype a name. In this case I will give information technology a proper name with the following proper name convention:

WVD-Win10MS-<Year>-<Month>-<Mean solar day>- AS

As = Afterwards Sysprep in this case. This so I know this version is after I have run Sysprep and I can use information technology for prototype deployment.

Select Automatically delete this virtual machine after creating the image. Type the virtual car proper noun and click Create

Step 4 : Create a Shared Prototype Gallery (SIG)

Before we tin can upload the custom image, nosotros need to create a Shared Image Gallery (SIG) first. In the Azure search bar, search for Shared Image Gallery and open it.

Click Create shared image gallery

Select your Subscription and the Resource grouping you want to utilize. Give the Shared Image Gallery a name (in this instance I will name it WindowsVirtualDesktop) and select a Region.

Click Review + create


Step 5 : Add an image to the Shared Image Gallery

Open the simply created Shared paradigm Gallery (in my case WindowsVirtualDesktop)

Click + Add new image definition

Select your Region. Give this Epitome definition a proper name, this name will be visible when deploying a Windows Virtual Desktop host pool.

Configure the following:

Operating arrangement : Windows
VM generation : Gen1
Operating arrangement country : Generalized

Fill in a Publisher, Offer and a SKU proper name of option.

Click Next : Version

Fill in a Version name, this must be in the x.x.x format. Of course, you can start with 1.0.0, but you can also use a date like I do. In this case my version is: 2020.05.30 (adjacent version needs to exist college of class).

Set Exclude from latest to No. Fill up in an Paradigm version end of life date and the regions you want to make this image bachelor. I volition deploy VMs with this image to the Westward Europe and East United states of america then I select both locations.

Click Review + create

Click Create

Step 6 : Deploy a Windows Virtual Desktop Host puddle with the custom image

Within the Azure portal, go theWindows Virtual Desktop

ClickCreate a host pool

Select yourSubscriptionandResource group. Give theHost puddle a name and select theLocation. Select theHost pool blazon, theMax session limit and theLoad balancing algorithm. ClickAdjacent : Virtual Machines

Select theResource group for the Session Host servers and the Virtual machine location. Fill in theNumber of VMs yous desire to create in this Host pool and enter a Name prefix name.

For thePrototype blazon, selectGallery, and clickScan all images and disks

ClickMy Items, selectShared Images and click the image created in the previous stride.

Select theBone disk typeand configure the network settings. ClickSide by side: Workspace

Select aWorkspace or create a new one. ClickReview + create


I repeated these steps for theEastward US region, then I have two servers inWest Europe, and two inE United states of americawith the aforementioned paradigm as source.

Step 7 : Update the custom image (create Disk, new VM, Snapshot and VM Capture)

Earlier we tin can update the custom prototype, we need to create a Disk with the Snapshot (earlier Sysprep) equally sources. Adjacent, we can create a new VM from that disk. I will show you step-by-step beneath.

Within the Microsoft Azure portal, go toDisks and click + Add

Select theSubscriptionand theResource group. Give the Deejay a name. I give it the name of the snapshot with "-Restored" at the end. And then in my example "WVD-Win10MS-2020-05-xxx-BS-Restored".

SelectSnapshot as source, and select the snapshot created in previous steps. Make sure theDiskSize is correct. ClickReview + create


After the deployment is complete, clickGet to resource

Click+ Create VM

Select theResource group of selection and requite the Virtual machine a name. Make sure the correct Image is selected and clickNext : Disks

ClickNext: Networking

Configure your network settings and clickSide by side: Management

SetBoot diagnostics to off and clickReview + create


After the deployment is complete, login to the VM and make the required changes.

When your finished with the changes in the VM, echo Step 2 (Make a disk Snapshot) and Stride 3 (Creating a Virtual Machine Capture) of this weblog (with new dates in the snapshot and image name).

Step 8 : Add a version to the prototype in the Shared Image Gallery

Now that we have a new image version (VM Capture) we need to add this to the current custom image in the Shared Image Gallery.

Go to theShared Epitome Gallery and click the WindowsVirtualDekstop Shared image gallery.

Click the custom epitome created in previous steps.

Click+ Add together Version

Fill in the Version (appointment of image in my instance) and the Source prototype. Brand certainExclude from latestis prepare toNo. Select theTarget regions and clickReview + create


Stride 9 : Update the Windows Virtual Desktop Host pool with the new paradigm

In this terminal stride we are going to update the Windows Virtual Desktop Host pool with the new version of the custom image. Nosotros do this by creating new Session Host VMs and enabling Bleed manner on the sometime (current) VMs. If for some reason the new version of the prototype is not working you have a autumn back to these (old) servers.

But first nosotros need to add the new servers.

Inside the Windows Virtual Desktop portal, navigate toHost pools > <your host pool> > Session hosts and click the+ Add button.

ClickNext: Virtual Machines

Select theResources group and theVirtual machine location. Fill in theNumber of VMs you want to add together to this Host pool. Note that all other options are grayed out.Scroll down

Configure your network settings and clickReview + create


After the deployment is finished, the new servers are added to the Windows Virtual Desktop Host pool, created with the latest version of the custom epitome.

Now you can enable theDrain style on the old VMs (VMs created with an sometime version of the custom image) and test the new version of the custom image. If all tests are successful y'all can delete the old servers.


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